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The Rams period is over, processing the loss to the Lions - Caitliny - 06-19-2024

The Los Angeles Rams lost a playoff Rams Store game on Sunday Night Football to the Detroit Lions ending LA's encouraging period. I had been waiting all week and all day for Sunday night, and when it came it absolutely supplied. The only part missing out on was a Rams win. It's been a few days since the loss and I'm still thinking about the video game. It'll pass, yet now I'll be walking in everyday situations and stop to simply claim aloud, "Damn. " If somebody hears me they might ask. "What gets on my mind?" to which I'll say, "The Rams video game. " They either get it or they don't. Everyone advances their Reginek-USA TODAY Sports There were lots of blow-outs this previous Wild-Card Round. The video game played Sunday night wasn't one of them. The Rams/Lions competition had to do with as limited as playoff football obtains between two well balanced groups. The outcome of the competetive game was a last rating of 24-23 in favor of Detroit. Jared Goff and the Lions are entitled to all the credit report worldwide for the success, and Rams fans can claim LA had a fantastic season. Also though the Rams did have an interesting season and there is plenty to be thankful for, the loss hurts David Reginek-USA TODAY Sports Sports and life have a lot in common that for some they are synomous. A football period begins and there is capacity for the life of that team to be something unique. Nonetheless the period goes, the life of that team will ultimately end. It's dramtic, it's motivating, it's morbid. It's everything. This 2023-2024 Rams season was a thrilling one You never ever recognized which Rams team would certainly appear week to week, yet you understood they had the potential to beat any individual. This season featured a gladdening Week One victory over the Seattle Seahawks. LA followed that victory up with a failure to string with each other consecutive success. Then Sean McVay and his squad won 7 out of 8 games to require themselves into the playoffs, setting up among the most narrative driven and discussed playoff matches in recent memory. Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports It had not been just any kind of playoff video game. It was the competition between previous LA quarterback Goff and his substitute Matthew Stafford. McVay was encountering his former quarterback while Stafford was taking on the franchise he led for over ten years. There was the basic supervisor angle of Les Snead taking on Brad Holmes. Holmes had dealt with the Rams a variety of years before coming to be General Manger for the Lions. Snead and Holmes, the corresponding GM's for LA and Detroit, struck the offer that sent Stafford to the Rams and Goff plus lots of draft choices) to the Lions. Include Detroit aiming to win their first playoff video game in over 3 decades going versus the suddenly hot Rams. This was must watch tv. #NfL Impressive. Really excellent Lions and Rams /6KQwO1uWmq Woodward Sports Network January 17, 2024It was an electrical period for LA, and it obtained lots of individuals to think that the Rams are a leading team in the NFL once again. The expectation is that the Rams should improve this offseason. They have a first round draft choice for now) They have young gamers that can boost, and they have experts who can lead the means. Will the Rams be much better? Will they make the playoffs once more? All we can do is hypothesize, whereas recently we could still chat regarding this season and wonder, suppose? Suppose LA wins this game? Then the next video game? Then the championship? What happens if? There is no extra enigma. The period has ended. Currently I am left tackling my everyday life and often cutting short in my tracks to state, "Damn. " Thinking of this play or that play, thinking what can've been various, knowing the outcome can no more be altered. The loss is could not have done it without you-- can not wait to be back, Ramily! /STNyosP9wd Los Angeles Rams January 16, 2024What a period. This Rams journey was a fun distraction from some of the uniformity of daily life. I suppose allow's take pleasure in the break because quickly sufficient LA will be wearing for Week One of the NFL period, and we'll be asking yourself again, what happens if?