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How can we help each other? - meherulk35 - 06-13-2023

Content marketing has it's thing that over time it loses its relevance. Try an efficient step-by-step process that will allow you to search for deals and effectively refresh the content on your website.

Do you remember [/url][url=]Denmark Phone Number List the student rule of three "Z": Cuff, Pass and Forget? It would be perfect if the same principle could be applied to business, right? And especially in content marketing, which many people associate with a never-ending story.

The idea of content marketing is based on creating new content that responds to the problems and inquiries of your customers. This means that each new scenario requires the creation of completely new content.

[Image: Denmark-Phone-Number-List-1-300x139.png]

Found a frequently searched keyword? You create new content that targets them. If a piece of content becomes outdated for various reasons, you let it "die" or create a new, up-to-date version.

Following this track, you enter a monotonous path of constantly creating new content, which takes up more and more of your time, which you don't have much anyway.

Is there another, more effective solution?


It's called evergreen content.

What is Evergreen Content Marketing?
Evergreen content is content that stays relevant regardless of the season or time frame, just like trees that never lose their leaves. In terms of value, this is content that never loses its base level of traffic.

With the right content marketing strategy, evergreen content will continually generate interest and people will continue to search for it for months, years, and even decades.

An example of such content can be, for example, the report "How to Write a Film Script Step by Step" .

However, you must remember that "evergreen" does not mean constant growth. If you publish "evergreen" content and forget about it, the traffic generated by it slowly dies down over time.

Any type of content needs to be nurtured and maintained with regular updates, often called content refreshing .

Today I would like to show you a simple yet effective process to keep your marketing content as up to date as possible.

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Step One: Audit Existing Content
The first step, which will allow you not only to refresh the content, but also to save time, is to analyze the existing content. This is also the step that many people find most disappointing.

During the analysis, you will find out which content is not working. This may be content that has consumed you a lot of time and energy to prepare it.

Content analysis will be improved by KPI indicators that you have developed while creating your marketing strategy. Thanks to them, it will be easier for you to decide which content you want to refresh and which updates should be given the highest priority.

Check it out on the example of two of your posts from years ago:

One of them constantly increases website traffic .
The conversion rate from the second post decreases month by month, but the traffic stays the same.
As you can probably guess, the second post should take precedence.

When creating your content marketing strategy, don't make the mistake of thinking only about search rankings and traffic. This will lead to content that is eye-catching and praised, but not delivering measurable results for your business.

What to pay attention to during a content audit?
Here are some suggestions that may align with your marketing goals:

For content that raises awareness, look for declining user engagement rates. This is decreasing website traffic, lower click-through rate and ranking in search results.
When it comes to "heating" content, i.e. content that dispels user doubts, focus on the click-through rate to landing pages and the conversion rate on individual calls to action (call-to-action)
For content that you expect to convert from, focus on declined purchases or incomplete signups.
Once you gather this information, you can prioritize content changes and updates. First, focus on:

“Biggest but not newest blockbusters,” which are older bits of content that are still highly relevant to both your audience and your business strategy.
“Hidden Gems” or high-quality, business-strategic content that never captured the attention of your audience or delivered the expected results.
Prioritizing these categories helps ensure you don't waste time and energy refreshing content that isn't worth maintaining. Instead, you can combine them with other materials, or get rid of them altogether.

Step Two: Find Content Gaps
Auditing existing content will allow you to prioritize content to be updated. Once you are ready, you can prepare a strategy of action.


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